Stand Up For Soraya

Stand Up For Soraya
by the Restavek Freedom Writers
Story: Soraya dreams of the life she once knew: a loving mother, school, hope for the future. But now that her mother has died, her father has re-married, and her step-mother treats her as a slave, she feels alone and invisible. Until one day when she meets a little girl named Anita, who courage and sense of justice could change the course of Soraya's life. Through this story the authors issue a challenge: Could you have this courage to change a life?
Story Behind the Story: Written by a team of young women served by the Restavek Freedom Foundation, Stand Up For Soraya aims to raise awareness about the inhumanity and injustice of child slavery in Haiti. At the same time, the books give these young women the opportunity to shape the stories of their own lives with power and possibility and hope.
ISBN: 978-0692329627
Age: 7-11
Lexile: 550L
Page Count: 42
Published: Fall 2014
Meet the Authors
Young women from the Restavek Freedom Foundation (RFF) in Port-au-Prince wanted to use their voices to raise awareness about the inhumanity and injustice of childhood slavery in Haiti. Through writing workshops lead by SMP teaching artists and Haitian college students, these young women wrote #OwnVoices children’s stories inspired by their own lived experience. Their goal was to expand empathy for exploited children, create outrage at the injustice, and inspire others to stand up, speak out, and make a change. Their books have been purchased and donated all over the world. Proceeds from RFF titles support new authors and fund future programming dedicated to ending child slavery in Haiti.
Darline, 16
I like to make food and I also like to eat it. I really like to make rice and beans with fish sauce. I like to wash things, clean the house, and I also like to dance. In the future, I would like o be a doctor who cures children because I love children.
Mwen renmen fe manje e mwen renmen manje tou. Manje mwen pi renmen fe se diri kole ak sos pwason. Mwen renmen lave, netwaye kay, epi mwen renmen danse. Mwen ta renmen yon dokte pou swen timoun paske mwen renmen timoun.