Immigrant Stories
The young people at LAYC recognize the urgent need for authentic stories to provide a human face to the U.S. immigration debate. With few youth-focused books reflecting their personal narratives, they decided to boldly share their own. Our team of teaching artists worked with these youth leaders on two projects. In Voces Sin Fronteras: Our Stories, Our Truth, young authors share their memoirs--in hand-drawn comics and in personal essays--about immigrating to the U.S. In the Beyond Borders series, young authors wrote children’s books centering the stories of immigrant families. Through Author Talks, book donations, and books sales, the voices of these predominantly Latinx immigrant and first-generation authors have reached readers and leaders across the country. Proceeds from their books support new authors and fund scholarships for immigrant youth.
Featured Book
“Spotlighting underrepresented voices, this work is highly recommended for all communities in their efforts to promote empathetic, inclusive discussions around immigration.”
— Starred review in School Library Journal!
Winner of the 2019 'In the Margins' Top Nonfiction award and 2020 International Latino Book Awards
"Enlightening and inspiring #ownvoices accounts by young activists." – Kirkus Review.
With a foreword by Newbery Medal-winning author Meg Medina
During a time of heated immigration debate and unrest, this book is an opportunity to hear directly from youth who are often in the headlines but whose stories don’t get told in full. Sixteen young people from the Latin American Youth Center (LAYC) in Washington, D.C. came together to tell their own stories of immigration and transformation in comics form. The result is this side-by-side bilingual collection of graphic memoirs that not only builds connections across language, but also breaks down barriers and expands hope.
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Reader Voice
“The response [to donated copies of Voces Sin Fronteras] has been awesome. Most of the books went to shelters holding migrant children, and they have been very grateful and asked for more. One school will use them to teach English through a unit on immigration... Please tell your contributors we’re getting their stories into the hands of those who may appreciate them the most.”

Story Behind The Story
The dream of Voces Sin Fronteras actually started with a seed planted by authors Erminia and Selena, who founded the Latino Youth Leadership Council (LYLC), a passionate group of young immigrants dedicated to social justice for their community. As the group began seeking a formal advocacy platform for their mission, the opportunity to partner with Shout Mouse Press emerged through LYLC’s affiliation with the Latin American Youth Center. Creating a powerful tool for connection, education, and inspiration was exactly what they had been looking for, so they were excited about the opportunity to write--and draw--their own stories for publication.
Their passion aligned with the shared missions of LAYC and Shout Mouse Press: for all young people to feel empowered to speak their truth. And at the time of this project’s inception--just months after the 2016 election, in the midst of divisive anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies--these Latinx youth immigrant voices became particularly urgent for all to hear. The young people behind this book defined their mission: to inspire, motivate, and educate their readers, changing--and reclaiming--the narrative about America’s immigrants.
The determination of these authors to share their truest selves on the page is an act of courage. It inspires respect; it expands empathy. This book gives rise to not only their voices, but to the voices of all those living in shadows whose stories go untold.
And its impact has been profound: winner of both the 2020 International Latino Book Awards and the 2019 ‘In the Margins’ Book Award, Voces Sin Fronteras
continues to move and affirm young readers across the country. Voces remains a top seller with our partners at First Book, who make the collection available to educators serving Title 1 Schools across the country, and our most frequent request from the PEN/Faulkner Writers-in-Schools Program, bringing authors into classrooms across DC. Their stories have reached thousands of students of all ages across the region and the country, and proceeds from their book sales continue to raise money for the Voces Sin Fronteras Scholarship for immigrant youth.
We could not be more proud of these young people -- Alejando, April, Brenda, Erminia, J.J., Lisa, M.C., Nataly, Rosa, Sebastian, Selena, S.R.P, Tania, Tato, Yeca, and Yesi — for this vision, their determination, and their commitment to lifting up immigrant voices in service of justice.
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